Saturday, April 20, 2024

Stepped, in not out

 Stepped, in not out

Sitting at a table that felt new yet comfortable, I remember thinking, “wow, they have matching dishes” and feeling fancy. I remember their silverware drawer having perfectly matching silver and the cool Tupperware pickle container in the fridge, and don’t get me started on the endless Schwans pizza and ice cream. And they even had a pool in their community, I surely don’t belong here. 

My mom and dad were divorced and both struggling to stay afloat. Although my parents provided what we needed and wanted, this was different- a perfectly decorated house with quilts, porcelain dolls and military accolades wasn’t how either of my homes was decorated.  I remember sitting on the front porch with orange juice in one of those cute matching glasses and thinking, these people really have their life together. Then, finding out my mom and her then boyfriend were getting married, and having a baby, and being told these sweet people with funny accents are now bonus grandparents. 

In my parents marriage I also gained a second dad and I’d always wondered how he learned to be a dad to kids who frankly weren’t very open to this “bonus” relationship at times. How did he just love us, how did he learn to be a parent, how did he choose someone who came as a package with two kids and an ex husband. I’ve never asked those questions but after reflecting on losing gramps, I can only imagine he learned to be a dad from one of the best.

This house became familiar, summers spent at the pool, eating honey suckles, walks with grandpa who had the biggest calves I’ve ever seen. Dusting porcelain dolls with grandma and feeling like a doll sleeping in their perfectly decorated guest room.. at just 6 years old, I felt like I belonged here. Grandma always let me dress the big concrete goose on the front porch, it was the hi-light of every visit! This whole third family thing, it just worked. Honestly, it felt as though I was supposed to have three sets of family instead of two, truly a bonus! 

Throughout my life, grandma and grandpa never treated any of us grandkids differently. I was always treated and introduced as their granddaughter, never “step”, never “Lorie’s daughter” but always “Mark and Lorie’s daughter”, and for that I’m eternally grateful. The hardest part of having three grandpas has been saying goodbye as each one has passed away over the past 15 years. The best part, my kids have had incredible great grandparents, one of my sons was lucky enough to share a birthday with gramps! 

Gramps was a big man, a protector, stubborn as hell and hilarious, he made the BEST Rice Krispie treats in all the land but most of all, he had a heart of GOLD. You’ll be missed, I will miss your “cheese” smiles, hearing “oh my garsh” when I’d walk in the door, your “HUHHHHH?” on FaceTime and messing up your hair JUST to get the scowl. 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Fear, what does it look like? Does it feel like your heart fell into your stomach, like the sweat beading on your brow or the palms that are suddenly clammy. Where did it come from? Is it real or was it created and perfectly curated by the anxiety in your head? How do you peel back the fingers of the tight grip, it feels almost like your heart is being pumped by the vice of your brain.. how do I turn it off.. my heart says, “you’re good enough; live your best life; let the anxiety go” and my brain says, “but did you make sure you wouldn’t offend anyone; are you sure you shouldn’t be doing something else with your time; Valerie, wait for the other shoe to drop”… is it fear, is it trauma, is it anxiety- wait, are they different? They all feel the same in the end, heart in your stomach with the grips of a fist that you can’t peel the fingers back from. 

Fear of not being enough, fear of being successful, fear of being too much, fear of not being afraid.. this all sounds silly, right. One of my biggest fears, something that holds me back isn’t necessarily failure, its actually what happens if I succeed.. I know I can have a successful career, I’ve done it- I’m a good wife and mother by most accounts but what if my plans actually come true. You see, I’ve been conditioned to worry about the other shoe dropping, what to do when life falls apart. It started when I was young, my parents were divorced, my mom remarried to my step- dad and one fateful day, my dad was called to heaven. The worst imaginable thing happened, my dad, a real life superhero who saves people from burning buildings was gone- in the BLINK of an eye. I feel like my DNA was changed the day he died, I went to counseling and coped with his death the best way a child does.. as I grew up I always felt different, looked for exit signs in a theatre, made sure to double check my seatbelt and stayed away from the deep end of the pool. I didn’t join friends on water slides, I didn’t choose to go away for college despite a scholarship, I chose the safe route.. fear had a grip on me. Even in high school, I didn’t party or have the life most teenagers did because I was FEARFUL I would disappoint my family, get injured or die- I was afraid to take risks that it would end badly- I was fearful when people drank, smoked weed or partied that something bad would happen… I had gripping anxiety.. and sadly, I was afraid to share because I didn’t want to be the weird kid, I didn’t want to cause anyone trouble and I wanted to fly under the radar. I graduated high school and had a series of unhealthy relationships during my early college years because the turmoil felt risky. I knew it wasn’t healthy and wasn’t right but it was safe enough yet risky.. I remember friends and family drinking heavily, using drugs and me being afraid, I was quickly labeled, “the mother hen” or the “boring” one because I didn’t join in. I was no longer flying under the radar, as I got older I’d drink at events, partied with college friends and became a pot head- it helped with the anxiety at the time too. After a few “fun” years, I remember feeling like I was numb to life and wondered if it was worse to feel the pain and fear or worse to be numb, I chose to feel the pain, turmoil and fear. I wonder if this is how addiction starts, if this is where fun ends and addiction starts- I knew alcoholism ran in my family and made the decision to again, look for the exit signs.  I was thankful to have a job with an investigations firm that could be my “out”..  “I can’t because I could be drug tested” became my response and my goodness did I lean on it, I had to justify my actions, after all.. 

In my early twenties I met my husband on a blind date, risky huh… through the years I opened my own little junkin booth, then joined my mom with a storefront. My biggest fears were something happening to my children or something taking me from them, growing up without a parent wasn’t easy and I didn’t want that for my boys. I was so obsessed with their every move and it seemed like a traditional “helicopter mom” but in reality, it was fear. Fear hit a new level when addiction hit my household, my kids could lose the other parent. Driven by necessity and fear of not being able to provide as a single mother, I put my heels and blazer on and hit the marketing scene. I was weirdly successful and didn’t have a degree, at all, I knew how to speak the love language of people and was literally getting paid, and bonuses.. for PEOPLE PLEASING! It was a dream, I got PAID to do well at one of my biggest flaws, fear of disappointment.. I enjoyed it, I was having a blast.. then fear set in- I was told to build a hospice market to a specific census, I crushed that goal.. it became apparent that this was my calling, or was it.. I was offered a position with a different company and took the job, I worked my way into a senior role, and worked my ass off.. then fear set in, where do I go from here. Can I be enough? What makes me more than the gal who’s thinner, prettier and has an MBA.. I devalued myself, I stepped back and chose my worth, at a discount. My husband and I rekindled, he moved back home after 3 years and due to circumstances of the past, we needed to sell our home to offset debts- we sold our home and decided this was time to start over, somewhere new! It’s a dream we’ve always wanted to pursue, leaving the land of enchantment and discovering the world that’s so much bigger than us. Oddly, this wasn’t something that triggered fears- this was the opening I needed to focus on my relationship with my husband, my children and more importantly myself. I’ve had a lot of self reflection and it occurred to me- I’ve never learned how to just be- I’ve always been on the move, something in my brain and body has always been fearful of being happy.. of being content and leaning into the life I have. 

Aren’t we supposed to keep up with the Joneses after all? What would happen if I let it all go? Move away from everything I know, leave the career I feel identified me, leave the heels and blazer behind? Well, I did just that, I realized that the ability to get to know myself again is just what I needed. I sit still, I walk, hike and bike every single day, I sit with my feelings and am learning to lean into the comfort of being still. I’m not free of fear by any means, but being aware and identifying it before it identifies me has been healing. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

14 years

Happiest anniversary to the most amazing man, I love you because you are strong, funny, loving, smart, kind and a really good kisser! 

On anniversary posts, some people share all they’ve been through, the ups and the downs but most of you know those ups and downs from my blogs or small town gossip. Truth is, we aren’t looking back because we aren’t going back there, right? We know where we’ve been, we know what we’ve overcome, we know the ups and downs..I’ve had the time to reflect and be grateful for the turmoil. It may sound weird but I’m thankful for the last 4 years- our marriage was good by all accounts, we had fun, laughed, and had great times- we loved one another very much. What we didn’t do is talk openly, honestly, call one another on our bullshit, hold one another accountable and talk about the hard things- we skimmed over those because frankly, it’s easy. The last 4 years we had to face the hard stuff head on, we had to believe, trust and love ourselves or we would have never made it back to one another in a healthy way. We wouldn’t have had the opportunity of a do-over, we wouldn’t be celebrating 14 years of marriage today or be on this journey of life. We’ve both put in the personal work needed to be the best individuals we can be and along the way, we found our way back to one another. I share this not for kudos but for those of you who are in a mostly good marriage who are looking for something more fulfilling. I’m not suggesting an addiction is going to save your marriage or enrich it, I’m purely saying, look deeper- have the difficult conversations, decide what you truly want from life and start the groundwork within yourself to make it happen. 

Happy anniversary my love, I’d literally bust my ass for you again and again..psst, I fell on these rocks and busted my ass on our hike!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Open Letter

Open Letter 

 I’m the wife of an addict- a damn proud wife of a recovering addict. This hasn’t been an easy road for me, for my children or for my husband, we’ve been through hell and back. I won’t, for a second, sugar coat the past. I also won’t live in the past or allow fear to determine my destination. Addiction is a disease none of us would choose, it’s also the reality of more lives than you or I know. I’ve spoken openly about my life as the wife, separated spouse and struggling coparent to an active addict, you deserve the ending- it isn’t rainbows and butterfly’s, it’s cracks in a foundation of trust, it’s believing in a process you’ve been a bystander to.. it’s also falling in love again, learning who you are while watching someone else find themselves and choosing one another in the end. 

 I walked away, I was done, I was ready to move into the next chapter of my life with my boys and a new career. People often say, “you’re so strong for sticking through it” and I remind them, I didn’t. My husband hasn’t lived in my home for over two years, he was on his path and I was on mine. My husband moved out of the state 18 months ago, he went to sober living and found a brotherhood with lasting friendships you’d envy with a common denominator you wouldn’t ever want to share. We didn’t speak on the phone without a third party for four months, I was an outsider, rightfully so. The boys had scheduled FaceTime visits once a week, those were monitored too. Over the course of 18 months we have had so many deep, open, honest conversations that make me wonder how we got through 13 years of marriage without having. We avoided the uncomfortable moments, financial discussions and I avoided cornering him about his addiction until I had proof. I don’t appreciate the way I handled myself in avoiding but I’ve learned so much about who I am, who I was and who I want to be.. not only as a wife, as a mother and as a human. I’ve been around alcohol and the rationing of excuses or reasons to drink, I’ve accepted functioning addiction with friends and family and in my marriage I did the same. During the 18 months Matt was focused on his sobriety, I focused on my role as a codependent and as an enabler. I am now a grateful member of ALANON and I allow the process to work because I work it. Matt may share his story and details one day but today, and everyday he is sober, I’m thankful.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

It takes a village

It takes a village, no.. it really takes a village! I’ve heard this time and time again and not until 15-18 months ago did I fully understand this. 

I’m registering the boys for school and it hit me, they have so many people I to list.. my parents, siblings, best friends, surrogate grandparents, aunts and uncles.. it really takes a village. I feel so lucky and humbled that so many people love me and my boys. To those who didn’t retreat during the time of struggle but came toward the chaos and shit storm, you’re the real hero’s to this story! 

When I think about men who often step up and be present for the boys while their dad is on his journey it’s not difficult to think of 10 men I trust to teach the boys. My stepdad aka dad, my oldest brother who has been an advocate for the kids and their stability, my younger brother who has been the saving grace of fun and adventure. There are countless uncles, cousins and friends who have taken time to have boy talk, throw a football, roughhouse and have sleepovers or boys nights with these amazing little humans. I’m looking at YOU, the people who have been there but didn’t have to be. 

I was too proud to ask for help at the beginning but now I couldn’t imagine raising them without the village. The boys’ babysitter is like family, her grandkids are like cousins to the boys and they enjoy and fight with one another like so. We have a babysitting rotation for the summer and the boys look to each person for different types of mom, my grandmother, friends and their babysitter (aka nana). If I had an emergency I know my boys would be well taken care of, I’m thankful for your love, compassion and presence in our lives! 

To the village, what you’ve given the boys is stability amongst the “I don’t know’s” and adventure they’ll remember as their childhood. What you don’t know is you’ve given this mama peace, you’ve helped mend my broken heart. I was broken hearted that after 9 years of being home with my babies I’d have no choice but to turn their life even more upside down and go back to work full time. I’m thankful for those 9 years at home, fully engaged in every moment, volunteering at the school and being at every single activity. My mama heart was broken, so heart broken to give up so much of that but I’m thankful for it all now. 

I’ve grown so much due to the circumstances, and I can’t imagine ever not being in this place. That may sound crazy to some people but the journey is what has helped me grow as a human, it has shaped me and taught me to believe in myself, its also how I fell in love again! I would have never seen what type of life I had and what type of life I want (and don’t want) if I’d never gone through this journey. I fell in love with myself again and that is something I can’t ever discount..will I have moments of heartache, uncertainty, loneliness and sadness? Absolutely...but I will always pick myself back up! 

I’ve learned I can do anything...literally, I can do ANYTHING for these boys, it may not go perfectly as planned or be easy but I get it done. The boys know no matter what happens I will always be honest and they’re learning to do the same, that alone is invaluable. The type of trust I’m building with the boys is something I never want to lose, I tell them age appropriately exactly what is going on. With that they’re also learning that we are raising one another, some days they raise me up. They’re learning that crying and grieving is okay, the life they once had will never be the same and that’s okay. They’re learning that this amazing village is a safe place for them to be themselves and out their guard down, they’re learning that we are all in this together ❤️

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Alone but not lonely

Alone, Not Lonely 

I’ve had a lot of weird questions along this journey, perhaps because I’ve been so transparent. The top few are 1) are you dating 2) is he dating? 3) will you guys get back together? 4) are you lonely? 5) what are you telling the boys? 

These are weird questions for sure but they’re asked so often I figured most separated/divorced people probably have these asked. So, I hope he’s not dating, the reasons aren’t for those you all may think. I hope he’s falling in love, he’s nurturing someone and that he’s being honestly himself. I hope he does this for himself and his sobriety, and only after that do I hope he finds his forever love. Similarly, I’m focused on the same, I’m alone but I’m not lonely.. I’m falling in love with myself and discovering the things I love about myself and the things I want to work on as a human... these milestones are invaluable, this time is mine! I am learning to embrace my weird, quirky and silly self, and if I choose to let someone else in they better be cooler than I am ❤️

I don’t know the future but I do know  that this chapter in love and life is closed, nothing is forever.. that goes for marriage and divorce! I believe that life is measured by moments and feelings, not by check boxes and definitions. I’m a very type A person and I was very much a “policies and procedures” or “by the book” type of person, this works in the professional world but not in our personal lives. This mindset will only leave you and everyone else around you in a position to always fall short and disappoint. Life isn’t meant to be measured by expectations but rather experiences. 

What have I told my boys? I have told them lies to protect their hearts, I have told them truths that break their hearts and I have told them I’m sorry for both. You see, I thought this was a season of life and that we could weather this as adults and protect them.. so I lied to keep their innocence. In retrospect and after honest conversations, they’ve known all along and validation is what they were seeking. I will tell you this, if we teach our children to always be honest, we must practice that.. even in the most difficult moments because they see, feel and hear more than we know. 

You must be lonely? Some may call it selfish but I’m not lonely, I’m finding peace in the empty space in my bed. I’m finding power in knowing I can do this on my own, I’m finding faith in humanity and trust in the little things. I’m actually using the alone moments to reconnect with myself, with friends and with family. 

I get up every morning half hour early just to drink my coffee on the porch with my dogs while I write and listen to the birds, work out and nurture myself. I’ve seen how quickly a human can burn out both personally and professionally and I don’t want to live in that state of chaos, stress or dissatisfaction. In my quiet moments I’ve discovered that happiness comes from within and although you can fake a smile, the human spirit can’t fake find the real thing! 

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Emotions, rocks and loving yourself ❤️

Waves, the emotions come and go like the waves of the ocean crashing on the rocks. The rocks are strong and the sound of the crash can be beautiful however the waves can be unpredictable. I’m the metaphorical rock, I’m the rock for the boys, for my family and the weight of the ocean waves crashing sometimes chips away little pebbles.. every once in a while a big wave crashes so hard that it will break off some of the rock and allow water to run a new path..although I’ve processed a lot of what’s happening in life the waves of emotions are unpredictable and are constantly evolving.

 Walking in the mall and smelling a certain scent can bring me to tears, writing the date of an amazing memory can take my breath away, heading into my 35th year of life alone is a gut punch. I’ve grieved the marriage I had, I’ve had the magic and the mayhem, I know what it’s like to have the fairytale romance, the passion and companionship of your best friend.. I also know what it’s like to not trust your spouse to run to the grocery store, going crazy trying to balance stories with reality and feverishly searching phone bills for clues. 

The waves of reconciling these emotions are evolving like the love for myself and the courage to be my own best friend. Just because I’ve grieved the marriage doesn’t mean I don’t have tears rolling down my face when I hear a certain song, it doesn’t mean I don’t miss the person I fell madly in love with. It just means I’m allowing myself to feel, to be human and to continue to grieve. 

I’ve had people ask me, “so how can you share so much and be transparent”.. I share because these complicated emotions of life are best sorted out knowing you’re not alone. I remember the loneliness I felt even while surrounded by people, I don’t want others to think they’re alone on their journey of life. I also don’t share in real time, by the time a blog is published I’ve had time to process my emotions and share. 

No matter who you are, no matter where your journey of life is taking you, you’re never alone. ❤️learn to love yourself and you’ll never be alone.